REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - Registration is currently taking place for children from 1st grade and up for the reception of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. If your child attends a non-Catholic school and needs instruction for the reception of the Sacraments, please register as soon as possible.
INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? - The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the program designed for converts to the Catholic Faith. If you know of someone who is interested in becoming Catholic but doesn’t know what to do, please encourage them to join our new RCIA class which will begin in September. Registration is taking place now. For further information please contact our Director of Religious Education Office:
Diana Cruz
Religious Education Director
Ana Lara
Rite of Christian lnitiation for Children (RICA /RCIA)
This class is also for those Catholics who were baptized but never received their First Communion or Confirmation. Don’t be afraid of inviting a non-Catholic friend or relative to enter the Church. Many people are simply waiting for the invitation!