Saturday July 30th at 5:00 pm in the parish auditorium. $30. the cardboard, 30 chances to win. There will be sale of pupusas and drinks. To purchase your card please call the parish office at (818) 765-3350. All funds raised benefit the parish.
With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, on Saturday, June 10th at 9 AM, Douglas Ernesto Zuniga Moncada, member of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish will be ordained as Permanent Deacons at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Guests by invitation only. However, we invite you to join the livestream here.
The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ which we celebrate this Sunday is a joyful celebration of the abiding presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. It is usually marked with Blessed Sacrament processions throughout the Catholic world and is a day of great devotion. Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament flows from the heart of the Mass and the Holy Communion into which we enter in receiving Christ in the Eucharist.
Last Sunday with the celebration of Pentecost, the Easter season came to a close. We now enter Ordinary Time. But this Sunday and next are beautiful celebrations as well: Trinity Sunday and Corpus Christi. Today's solemnity asks us to reflect on the central mystery of our faith: that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three Divine Persons yet only One God. It is a good day for us to especially reflect upon our personal relationship with God in prayer. Do we pray each day? Do we pray with our family? Do we pray with the rest of the community in the Sacred Liturgy?
On the commemoration day of the death of Saint John Baptist Scalabrini, June 1st, we remember his legacy of love, compassion, and dedication to the most vulnerable. Scalabrini, born on July 8, 1839, in Italy, became a true example of service and leadership in the Church.